Alpha Israel Fund Class A

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31/03/2024 1.1236 1.1180 View

Alpha Israel Fund Class B

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31/03/2024 1.1132 1.1076 View

Australian Equities Fund

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19/04/2024 1.8040 1.7986 View

Axiom International Ethical Fund (Hedged)

Formerly International Fund – Ethical Opportunity

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19/04/2024 2.9057 2.8912 View

Axiom International Ethical Fund

Formerly International Ethical Fund

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19/04/2024 3.4344 3.4241 View

Emerging Companies Fund

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19/04/2024 2.2221 2.2132 View

Global Small Companies Fund

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19/04/2024 1.4810 1.4722 View

Harding Loevner International Fund – Class B

Formerly International Fund – Class B

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19/04/2024 1.3135 1.3083 View

Harding Loevner International Fund – Class D

Closed to new investors

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19/04/2024 1.2959 1.2907 View

Harding Loevner International Fund – Class E

Formerly International Fund – Class E

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19/04/2024 0.9943 0.9904 View

High Conviction Equities Fund Class A

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19/04/2024 3.4187 3.4016 View

High Conviction Equities Fund Class B

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19/04/2024 1.4370 1.4298 View

High Conviction Property Securities Fund

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19/04/2024 1.1909 1.1850 View

Pengana Diversified Private Credit Fund

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20/03/2024 1.0498 1.0498 View

WHEB Sustainable Impact Fund

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19/04/2024 1.5515 1.5438 View

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Sep-2023 quarterly distribution information

Fund Name APIR Code 30 Sep 23 Distribution CPU 12-H
Pengana High Conviction Property Securities Fund PCL8246AU 0.71 cents Click Here

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Payment date of the above Sep-23 quarterly distribution is 10 Oct 2023.

Year End FAQs

A unit price reflects the value of a fund’s investments, including any income accrued but not yet distributed. When distributions are paid, the unit price will usually decrease by an amount equal to the distribution. As a result, if your fund pays a distribution on 30 June, the unit price will generally decrease after the close of business by the same amount.

Please note that if you fully withdraw units from your fund before 30 June, you will not receive a distribution for those units. If you partially withdraw units from your fund, you will only receive a distribution for the units you still hold at 30 June.

Finalising year-end unit prices is a detailed process and takes time due to distribution calculations and review requirements. We expect unit prices for Pengana’s funds to be caught up by mid-July.

During July there may be delays in issuing unit prices as we finalise year-end distributions. While unit prices are unavailable, we are not able to process transactions, including withdrawals.

This delay will not affect the value of your investment, or the value of any transactions made during the year-end period. When unit prices are issued, transactions will be processed at the appropriate value for the day they were received and accepted.

We will endeavour to obtain the prices and process transaction requests as quickly as possible.

Funds generally pay all their distributable income for the year to investors. Distributable income is made up primarily of interest, dividends and net realised capital gains of the fund, less fund expenses. Funds are required to attribute this income to investors for tax purposes whether they pay an actual distribution or not. Most funds pay the same amount that they attribute.

Unrealised capital gains for the year are not included in distributable income, so distributions are not necessarily a good representation of performance. If a fund has significant unrealised capital gains for the year, performance may be far better than the distribution.

Please refer to our Distribution calendar for this information. We will keep this updated with current information throughout the year end process.

The reinvestment of your 30 June distribution will be processed with an effective date of 30 June using the fund’s post-distribution price. This reinvestment amount will appear as a separate transaction on your statement and will be incorporated into the opening balance for the following financial year.

Tax may have been withheld from your distribution because you’re an overseas resident for tax purposes or because you have not supplied us with your Australian Tax File Number (TFN Withholding Tax). If you have had TFN Withholding Tax applied to your distribution you should provide us with your Tax File Number. You can often claim Withholding tax back when you lodge your tax return.

You will receive four statements during the year end period:

  • a transaction statement for the month or quarter to 30 June;
  • a distribution statement informing you of the amount of the distribution at 30 June (if the fund you invested in distributes at 30 June);
  • a tax (AMMA) statement for the financial year (if the fund you invested in distributed in FY2023); and
  • a periodic statement for the financial year.

Tax Statements (now often referred to as AMMA statements) are issued to all investors who have received a distribution during the financial year.  If you have received a distribution during the year, you will receive a tax or AMMA statement.

Tax Statements (now often referred to as AMMA statements) are issued to all investors who have received a distribution during the financial year.  If you have received a distribution during the year, you will receive a tax or AMMA statement.

Like most investment managers, Pengana do not provide investors with Capital Gains Statements.

Pengana Capital Group