Is it time to jump on the hydrogen bandwagon?

In the first half of 2020, investors were piling money into hydrogen-linked stocks. During the second quarter, the stock price...


Testing the ethics of impact investing

We are seeing an increased desire from investors to invest with impact; but is there sufficient integrity in the market?...


Sustainable impact report webinar

WHEB is one of the longest established impact investment teams in listed equities and are pioneers in the space of...


The COVID-19 crisis impact on sustainability

BY TED FRANKS. PARTNER, FUND MANAGER, PENGANA WHEB SUSTAINABLE IMPACT FUND We find ourselves in a period of unprecedented crisis...


Webinar: Covid-19’s impact on impact investing.

With exploding volatility, extensive business disruption, and unprecedented levels of uncertainty, it is more important than ever for financial planners...


WINNER: WHEB Asset Management wins award for Sustainable Finance

In a ceremony that brought together over 500 of the UK’s environmental professionals, WHEB Asset Management (Fund Managers of the...


Sustainable Investing. Anti-Greenwash Q&A: George Latham of WHEB Asset Management

Original Article published by Ethical Consumer. https://www.ethicalconsumer.org/money-finance/anti-greenwash-qa-george-latham-wheb-asset-management Sophie Billington As part of our anti-greenwash series, we caught up with George Latham,...


WHEB investor conference fund review

Ted Franks, Fund Manager of the Pengana WHEB Sustainable Impact Fund and Head of Research Seb Beloe review the last 12 months...

Pengana Capital Group