Does quality growth investing still deliver?

Tim Richardson CFA, Investment Specialist Global quality growth stocks underperformed during 2022. This was due to a perfect storm of...


Is a re-opened China a danger or an opportunity?

Tim Richardson CFA, Investment Specialist Consumer spending accelerated when China suddenly abandoned its zero-Covid policy, but the country’s longer-term challenges...


How investing sustainably needs active managers to make the world a better place and investors richer

Tim Richardson CFA, Investment Specialist Investors concerned about sustainability should understand clearly what they expect from their portfolio - and...


10 themes powering earnings growth as the global economy slows

Tim Richardson CFA, Investment Specialist The impact of the global economic slowdown on profitability will be highly stock specific. Earnings...


What the slowing economy means for equity investors?

Tim Richardson CFA, Investment Specialist High interest rates and weak real earnings growth are pushing consumer spending down and slowing...


The Last Great Malls on Earth

In the Philippines, shopping malls are central to consumers’ lives. But how have those malls adapted to post-pandemic life? The...


Can we save the planet and still keep the wheels turning?

Tim Richardson CFA, Investment Specialist Developed economies are striving to decarbonise transport. But China dominates the EV battery supply chain,...

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